Category Archives: child soldiers

Creative Gifts

Every time a birthday, anniversary, or any other gift giving occasion looms on the calendar, I get sweaty, dash in and out of gift shops, wake in the night and scratch ideas on scraps of paper, and in general, lose my mind for a while. Why? Because I want to give meaningful gifts, useful gifts, memorable gifts. Everyone understands this. We all want to give the best gift we can.

Well, yesterday I received a wonderful gift. It was meaningful, useful and memorable. My friend Crystal Favel created a banner for my latest book. She asked me a few questions, asked for my cover and a blurb, and where the book would be sold, and the next day I had this magnificent banner delivered to my inbox.

Over the years I’ve received colourful hand-knitted socks that were just right, baked goods that satisfied my sweet tooth, a booklet written just for me, a water-colour painting made for me, a pair of one-of-a kind earrings that were designed for me, a lamp that was carved out of a piece of wood for my enjoyment, iron candlesticks welded into graceful curves for me, a lampshade in my favourite colours …. and on and on, so many lovely and personal gifts created by talented friends. I remember receiving each of these gifts with happiness, and continue to enjoy those that had more permanence.

I want to be a more creative gift giver. I’ve used my talents as a writer, crocheter, gardener, to create the right gift for some of my friends in the past. I know I can do it again.

I want to stop shopping for gifts and start creating them again. Crystal’s gift reminded me of how special I feel when a friend takes the time to make me a wonderful gift.

What do you think? Have you ever received a gift created just for you? Have you created gifts that were so right for someone else? Please let me know.

Promo Banner For Amber


Filed under book series, child soldiers, mystery writing, writing

Mounties on Mayne

Mounties on Mayne.

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Filed under book series, Canada, child soldiers, mystery writing, RCMP, writing

Mystery Book to Tantalize You

The owner of our local bookstore is after me to finish writing my book! She said that people have been asking her if it’s out yet. I told her it’s nearly finished. She said, “Then why are you reading from it at the Active Pass Festival? Are you just tantalizing us?”

Festival Active Pass will a big event on Mayne Island and the other islands bordering on Active Pass. This April the 17th, 18th and 19th many of the local clubs and enterprises of one kind and another will be welcoming visitors to three days of activities. On Sunday, April 19th, the library has lined up local writers to read mostly from their books for young people. I’m so excited to be reading from Magda’s Mysterious Stranger, the fourth Magda book set on Mayne Island. It is a work in progress that is almost ready to go! Continue reading

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Filed under book series, child soldiers, writing

Bearing the Unbearable Truth

Bearing the Unbearable Truth.

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Filed under book series, Canada, child soldiers, writing